Mercury Retrograde 1 VS America J. 0
ART Marta Buriak |
15 Let the peace that Christ gives control your thinking. It is for peace that you were chosen to be together in one body.[c] And always be thankful. Colossians 3:15
This Mercury in Retrograde has been indeed very tiresome on my mind and body. Both of them keep racing and my spiritual self is crouched in the corner witnessing it all. I am a mess and it's present all up in through my Mercury (communication)... What worst timing?? This retrograde makes it difficult for me to nurture my romantic, friend, and family relationships. Because I am a Sagittarius experiencing this, it becomes very difficult for me to articulate all of this jazz to people without them thinking I'm crazy. Instead, when I communicate with folks I appear moody, defensive, and reactionary. But its really my frustration for my lost of words, incomplete thoughts, and far fetched ideas. And I just don't know how to articulate it all quiet yet. But I accept the challenge to learn, because Mercury Retrograde is also about deep self reflection. And at the end of my beautiful and Black day, I do need to reflect and return to my being of gratitude.
So I am thankful for
- my relationship with God and how He always works in my favor despite all challenges.
- my beautiful friends that show me the reflection of myself when I'm being nasty and need a reality check.
- the random inspiration texts and many, many books and blogs.
- my colleagues and professors who keep me grounded by focusing on the larger picture (its not just about me!) but we have purpose in this world.
- my amazing and patient family who constantly pray for and support me on this journey.
I love all of you,
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