Saturday, April 2, 2016

Poetry Lounge: Shedding Light

April 2, 2016
11:43 AM 
How do I feel? 
My body is calm-- I am not worried in any sense. 
Chicago weather is inexplicable, for it is truly a subjective experience. 
Currently, I think it is a blizzard. But the Sun keeps popping out in the midst of the snowy gloom. And of all the surprise, I anticipated each revealing. 
For the Sun always makes the most dramatic entrance and exit.
 I feel so one with the Sun on this day. 
As it keeps sneaking in and stealing kisses as my eyes are closed. 
The way Grandma does. Spreading warmth across my forehead. 
Cradling all the battered thoughts consuming my innocent brain. 
That's all we want, but find ourselves to afraid to ask for. 
Neglecting our hands to write the poems and prayers that burn inside us.
Every time we see the Sun, 
We cannot sit on the Sun.
Physically, you will burn. 
Mentally, you cannot fully grasp its science. 
Spiritually, it is blasphemy. 
When we try to possess the Sun, we suffocate and block its radiance, only to burn ourselves in the process. 
You can only celebrate the Sun. Embrace its kisses when they come and be satisfied when they go. 
For it gave you the light in your life. 
Giving you the glow to be the light for someone else. 

John 1:9 The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.(NLT)

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